Since inception Covelli Capital Partners has consistently made investments that generate superior absolute risk-adjusted returns over the long-term. We seek to construct a highly diversified portfolio across sectors, strategies and geographies. We add to our diversification by maintaining two distinct investment portfolios. One which consists of direct investment and co-investment opportunities acting as the managing partner with control or co-control and management of the operating activities of our businesses. The second portfolio consists of our “Alternative Investments”.
In each of the two disciplines, we evaluate our investment opportunities by utilizing multi-disciplinary frameworks of analysis to generate thoughtful and robust investment theses. We believe there is no replacement for the depth of experience to determine the highest quality investments.
When making direct investments and co investments Covelli Capital’s investment approach allows us the flexibility to tailor the structure of each of our investments to the specific needs of each opportunity and the long term goals of the companies we invest in. With our experience in starting, growing and acquiring businesses, we endeavor to deliver a capital solution that facilitates the growth objectives of each investment.
Covelli Capital’s goal is to align itself with, talented and highly-motivated individuals. We only invest in situations where the key operators continue to be significant equity holders in the specific company or fund. Similar to the management teams and entrepreneurs we partner with, we are committed to long term value creation.